The “Rugged” REALTOR®

If you want to buy and/or sell a property fast at the highest price without any of the usual hassles, then why not hire a “down-to-earth”, “no-nonsense” friendly guy who will take care of business for you?

Here’s Bill’s story on how he got nicknamed the “Rugged” REALTOR®.  He was born and raised outside of Ottawa in wide-open country (can you say farmers).  And while Bill was still wet behind the ears, his Dad and Mom packed up everything and moved their young family to Windsor!
Bill was always and still is a rough-and-tumble kind of guy who thoroughly enjoys the outdoors, races high-powered motorbikes and cars at the track, loves hunting, and just has a blast with anything that a man’s man likes to do!
When Bill was in his 20’s, he and his Dad bought run-down, dilapidated houses, fixed them up and flipped them for profit.  When family and friends saw the work Bill was doing, they begged him to help them with buying and selling (and fixing their homes) and that’s how Bill got his start in real estate.
Bill got his license to sell in May 2003 and took his zeal for all his outdoor passions and merged them straight into his professional career as a REALTOR®.  Bill is easy-going enough that most people get along with him just fine.  His clients come from all walks of life… car buffs, and racing enthusiasts, blue-collar workers who enjoy life to the fullest, even some rough-around_the-edges“ people (male and female) who others wouldn’t give them the time of day to.  bill also gets along just great with moms who want straight answers to their questions and he loves kids too.  Teachers, doctors, and other professionals who want a straight-up-guy” who gets the job done, people who enjoy bonfires like Bill does, smokes the odd cigar and has an occasional shot of rye… these are just some of the people who get along quite well with Bill.
Now if Bill isn’t a real down-to-earth”, or a “no-nonsense guy, we don’t know who is!
Now let’s talk about real estate.  This crazy-hot market that we’re in has created 3 unique problems for sellers where you could easily lose tens of thousands of dollars!  Bill on the other hand has created 3 unique solutions to these problems because otherwise, you could end up like many sellers who have lost way too much money because the sale of their home wasn’t handled expertly.  Bill is also bang-on with listing prices because too many homes are under-priced which could also cost you big time!  Really, you ought to let Bill get you the highest price when selling your home because with his 3 unique solutions… selling a home at the highest price is a breeze for him!
After Bill sells your home he’ll help you choose the best home for you to buy as easy as he hits the bullseye on the gun range.  He knows house values, good and bad construction, and will help you avoid the “lemons” so you can buy the best home for your money!  That’s why people love working with Bill because of who he is, his vast knowledge of real estate and they know he doesn’t pretend to be anything other than who and what he is.
But, we’re going to tell you the story of how Bill learned his lesson on being who you are!  It’s definitely funnier when he tells the story but we’ll give it a shot.  Bill once showed up in a suit and tie to show houses to one of his clients and was told by the client to go home, “and put your blue jeans and work shirt on”, because the client wasn’t going to let Bill show him homes in a suit and tie.  The client said, That’s now who you are!.
So guess what?  When you meet Bill, he’ll no doubt be in blue jeans and a work shirt.  And we can tell you this, Bill really is one of the nicest, friendliest, down-to-earth, no-nonsense guys you will ever meet and work with.
Now even though we’ve known Bill for years, we wanted to know a little bit more about him.  So we asked his wife Maureen to tell us a few things we may not have been aware of.  Here’s what she said…
“The first thing is that Bill is honest to a fault.  He couldn’t lie even if he wanted to because he wouldn’t be able to keep track of them.  The second thing is that he’s a know-it-all but in a good way.  He knows everything about houses and can build one from the ground up.  Third, he’s great at estimating what renovations will cost because he’s done it so many times over the years!  Fourth, he’s a guy’s guy because he’s into garages and outbuildings while most salespeople only look at the houses.  Fifth, real estate comes easy to him and he goes at it 1,000 miles a minute mostly because of the racing that’s in his blood and he doesn’t like 2nd place.  Sixth thing and the one I love most about Bill…. he’s my rugged man!
Whoa, Maureen!  We get the picture.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, Bill’s a really great guy!
Okay!  But we still wanted to get more “insight” about Bill so we checked with one more group of people… his clients!  Here’s what just a few of them were happy to tell us…
Hey, here’s the bottom line!  Why don’t you call Bill today and let him take care of all your real estate needs.  And just like his many happy and satisfied clients from all walks of life… you’ll be glad you did.
P.S.  This letter was written by Bill’s friends because he’s much to humble to write one for himself.  And being that Maureen calls Bill her rugged man, we believe he’s earned his nickname… the “Rugged” REALTOR®.